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4.3.24 – Episode 2 – Oncology in Pisa

After being cancer free since 2017, another tumour was diagnosed in December 2023 and have been getting tests done. For the second time since the tumour was spotted in a routine checkup, I went to the hospital and was told the test could not be done because of my medical conditions.

The first time when they found the tumour, they asked me to come for a biopsy. On the way to the hospital for the biopsy, I thought about the fact that they may not know that I’m allergic to latex  so I mentioned it to them when I arrived. They told me to come back the next day as I needed to be the first patient.

The second incident was today, I had an appointment for an MRI which I had requested as I had not been given all the information, I needed to prepare for the PET scan and then had canceled. Apparently, you have to fast but you can drink for a few hours before the scan. Also, there are foods you need to avoid before and after the test. This information wasn’t on the reservation. Fortunately, I had just finished Chris’s last lesson in his course Christ Beat Cancer. It was about the cancer tests some of which are more toxic than others and aren’t always necessary. The PET scan is radioactive and can cause cancer. As I hadn’t got the information from the hospital, I went online with the knowledge that not all the tests are necessary, My research confirmed that PET Scans can be bad for your health and are not very accurate. MRI’s are not as toxic and more accurate.

After an argument with my surgeon, he arranged an MRI but still hadn’t taken the time to read my medical file or review what medical conditions could be dangerous in regard to an MRI.

I arrived at  radiology and they told me to take off all my clothes as I had to do a test in a gown. I said why do I have to undress if you are just doing my breasts? “Because you have to be naked to do the test.” !

As I was taking off my winter clothes, the nurse asked me several questions one of which was regarding my knowledge of the procedure and that I was to be injected with some substance which I didn’t understand. I had to wait for the radiologist’s verdict. I told her that I’d had anaphylactic shock once to a vaccine and she asked for the list of medication I was taking.

After reviewing my documents, she advised against me doing the test because I had allergic asthma. Even though I told her that my asthma was under control, she didn’t want to take the risk.

I would say that she was more thorough than the surgeon who seems to get upset when I don’t do what I’m told.

All this is very exhausting.

Add to this that I can’t afford all the supplements and remedies I should have to keep this very small tumour in check. I’m currently investigating alternative therapies to try to avoid surgery. I was very impressed with Taiwan which I learned in an episode of The Truth About Cancer where they use integrative oncology where TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is combined with Western Medicine. They look at the whole body and all energy systems, gradually changing the herbs and treatments for the patient as they recover so the treatment for each individual changes all the time and the idea that one treatment would be the same for everybody doesn’t exist. I will leave you with a grain of wisdom which was expressed during an interview: “Combine food with herbs.” This is something which I have learned to do in Italy where there is an abundance of medicinal herbs. In addition to the Mediterranean herbs, am now adding the 4 top anti-cancer spices to my food daily: garlic, turmeric, cayenne pepper and oregano.

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Lastly, I would like to thank Chris ( Chris Beat Cancer) and Mr. and Mrs. Bollinger who are a shining light in the dark world of oncology.